Cash In Transit (CIT) Tamper Evident Solutions

CIT Heists


Cash and valuables in transit are vulnerable to armed robbery attacks. In 2020, there were approximately 1,200 reported incidents of cash-in-transit (CIT) heists worldwide

$ Million


In the US alone, attackers stole the contents of the armed security vehicles, including money from ATMs, bank deposits, and valuable items.These attacks are a significant risks to the security personnel 

£ Billion


Cash dependent businesses such as banks, retailers, and ATMs, still require regular cash replenishment and collection. CIT by vans provides a secure way to move money. 

$ Billion

Industry Size 

The global cash in transit industry is substantial and has been experiencing steady growth. According to Statista, the estimated global revenue of the cash in transit services industry in 2019. 

Cash In Transit Security Solutions

ATM Cassette Boxes

Discover how tamper-evident labels integrate and add security ATM cassettes
Discover more about cash in transit security with tamper evident label solutions
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Reuseble Cash Bag Labels

Securing reuseable cash pouches with tamper evident security labels
Discover more about how reuseable cash pouches can be sealed with clearly visible tamper evidence
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Secure Vehicle Labels

Ensuring additional security with clearly visible tamper evident non residue labels on vehicle doors
Discover the power of a tamper evident label protecting your products, brand and consumers!
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Tamper-evident labels play a crucial role in enhancing security and ensuring the integrity of cash and valuable items during transportation within the Cash-in-Transit (CVIT) industry, including: Sealing Cash Bags, Securing Containers Sealing ATM Cassettes, Cash Box Sealing, Tracking Transit Integrity, Evidence of Security Checks, and Deterrent to Theft.

Tamper-evident labels play a crucial role in enhancing security and ensuring the integrity of cash and valuable items during transportation within the Cash-in-Transit (CVIT) industry, including: Sealing Cash Bags, Securing Containers Sealing ATM Cassettes, Cash Box Sealing, Tracking Transit Integrity, Evidence of Security Checks, and Deterrent to Theft.

Tamper-evident labels should be used in conjunction with other security measures, such as armored vehicles, surveillance systems, and trained security personnel. The combination of these security practices helps ensure the safety and security of cash and valuables during transit within the CVIT industry.

Let's secure your products together